The Puget Sound Puppetry Festival: TBA by JawBone Theatre

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The Puget Sound Puppetry Festival: TBA by JawBone Theatre

The Puget Sound Puppetry Festival: TBA by JawBone Theatre

397 397 people viewed this event.

Doors: 10:30pm

Advance tickets can only be purchased online-we do not sell advance tickets at the venue. Refunds are not available within 48 hours of the event. Tickets do not guarantee seating during shows at the Royal Room. 

Seating is first come, first served. Please arrive early to guarantee a seat!

This show is 21+

Our closing performance by Jawbone Puppet Theatre.

I am Adam Ende, founder and janitor of Jawbone Puppet Theater. I make iconoclastic puppet shows, and love to create more unexpected magic and wonder in people’s lives.

My current project is the Whambamthankyouma’ambulance, a puppetmobile coproduction with the Mighty Lump, and mobile puppetry museum and radical zine and puppetry library!

Follow @jawbonepuppettheater on IG to find out about upcoming puppet goddambulance appearances near you!

Presented by Socks on my Hands Productions


Date And Time

Saturday, September 14, 2024 @ 10:30 PM



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