In late 2012, Beck Hansen reminded us of how music used to be distributed: rather than recording his next album himself, he joined forces with McSweeney’s to publish an entire new record in the form of Song Reader, 20 original compositions that echo the spirit of pop music from the days when songbooks were wildly popular. The project invites musicians to adapt the compositions as they like (visit the project’s website for video submissions from around the world.) Last January, the Royal Room joined in on the experiment, corralling some of Seattle’s most creative players for a wonderful two show performance jam-packed with fresh interpretation. This Saturday, May 4th, we’re bringing the night back for round two!

Check out videos of stellar performances by Jimmie Herrrod, Carla Torgerson, and Katie Jacobson from the January show.
Beck’s Songreader will take place this Saturday, May 4th. Tickets for the early (7pm, all ages) set can be purchased here. Tickets for the late (9:30, 21+) show can be purchased here.